Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 3: (Dale) Shoulders and Arms

Ok. Getting out of bed sucked today. Not because it was early but because I could barely move. Chest and back not so bad. Abs. I think I must have accidentally delivered my core muscles along with the baby back in December. Basic situps - impossible, though Joe said I made the scissor ones look too easy. I'll just do a bunch of those from now on, thanks.

Day 3: (Joe) Shoulders and Arms

Well, it's becoming routine again. I always found the Wednesday weightlifting kind of an easier workout, and Ab Ripper doesn't intimidate me as much anymore. I'm adding on an extra 5lbs to everything I was doing at the end of last round, taking me from the 12-15 reps "toning" zone to the 8-10 rep "building" zone. I'm interested to see if I can build a little, leave the weight the same, then tone it up.

On the food front, holy cow. Not that I ate badly, but I wish I'd done the proper diet the first time around. It's only been three days, but my belt is a little loose.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 2: (Joe) Plyometrics

Leg-focused cardio should be my bread and butter, but all I get from having fairly massive legs is the ability to hurt myself more with this workout. Squat, jump, lunge, repeat, repeat, repeat. Dale held up like a champ. She's done this workout on an ad hoc basis, but found out it's different after a day of high protein / low carb eating and a rough upper body workout.

On the food front, we're adapting. I've added a few extra grams of carbs. Dale and I both need them to keep up with the kids, and it's nearly impossible to get enough dairy-free protein into Dale without using some substitutes that have some sugars (or having her eat nothing but dead poultry).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1: (Joe) Shoulders / Arms. Here we go again.

45 minutes of pushups and pullups. This scared the crap out of me the first time I did p90x. I ride bikes, and I had no upper body strength. I could do a whopping one reverse-grip pullup, and zero of any other kind. This time around, I'm ready to "bring it." I can do 10-12 reverse grips, and a respectable number of other types. I can even knock out corn-cobs.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 0: (Joe) Measurements and "Before" Photos

What, you think Dale and I are going to share these before photos? Maybe once we've got some good "after" shots! We put the kids to bed, took mugshots, took measurements, and ate ice cream sandwiches. Going into this round of p90x, I'm 6'1'', 180lbs, and at about 13.5% body fat.